
Msw/2/Ctx Fetch


Last update

Jan 10, 2025

ctx.fetch(req) is now meant to be called as fetch(bypass(req)) where bypass is a new function available in the msw library. Changes applied by this codemod:

  • ctx.fetch(req) is replaced with fetch(bypass(req)).

NOTE: The bypass call is meant to wrap the new request object available on the callback argument. This object is not being destructured in this codemod, so you will have to do it manually or run a callback-signature codemod that will do that and replace the reference for you.


import { rest } from "msw";
const handlers: RestHandler[] = [
rest.get("/user", async (req, res, ctx) => {
const originalRequest = await ctx.fetch(req);
return res(ctx.json({ firstName: "John" }));


import { rest } from "msw";
const handlers: RestHandler[] = [
rest.get("/user", async (req, res, ctx) => {
const originalRequest = await fetch(bypass(req));
return res(ctx.json({ firstName: "John" }));

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